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Ce que nous devons aux marginaux. Namur, Belgique

Université de Namur - Amphithéâtre Pedro Arrupe Sentier Thomas Rue de Bruxelles, Namur, Belgium

Josef Schovanec, docteur en philosophie, est saltimbanque dans l'autisme, chroniqueur à la Première (RTBF) et mineur de cryptomonnaies.

€3 à €10

The new MFF and cohesion policy: how to better use EU funds for persons with disabilities in the new financial framework. Brussels, Belgium

European Economic and Social Commitee- Salle VMA3 Rue Van Maerlant 2, Bruxelles, Belgium

The EESC Study Group on Disability Rights is organising a public hearing on "The new MFF and cohesion policy: how to better use EU funds for persons with disabilities in the new financial framework". The aim of the event is to look into the changes for funds available for inclusions of persons with disabilities in the new MFF and cohesion policy.