Autism-Europe, along with its member organisations in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain, participated in the ‘New Bridges to Autism’ project which ran from January to December, 2008.
Activities in this project included a festival, exhibition, conferences, and the production of methodologies to foster good practice, as well as teaching and learning materials. The New Bridges to Autism project aimed to contribute to the social inclusion of adults with autism.
The project was funded by the European Union’s Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Programme and coordinated by Isabel Cottinelli Telmo, President of APPDA-Lisboa. Thematic Seminar “Bridges to Autism” survey on lifelong educational preferences of adults with autism – 22 February 2008, Algés, Portugal.
- To raise awareness of the lifelong educational needs of adults with autism and their families;
- To explore innovative activities in the field of music, arts, computing and sports;
- To disseminate the outcomes of the Grundtvig projects coordinated by APPDA-Lisboa International Project “Side by Side Curso online”;
About the Lifeling Learning Programme
The Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) was designed to enable people, at any stage of their life, to take part in stimulating learning experiences, as well as developing education and training across Europe.
With a budget of nearly €7 billion, the programme, which ran from 2007-2013, funded a range of exchanges, study visits, and networking activities.
The activities of LLP continue under the new Erasmus+ programme from 2014-2020.