If you wish to become a member, please:
Send an email to secretariat@autismeurope.org with your contact details (name, surname, email and postal addresses), your language preference (English or French) and the chosen payment method (PayPal or bank transfer).
We will send you a confirmation upon receipt of your payment. Please note that Autism-Europe’s membership is entered per calendar year.
Autism-Europe has the following categories of members:
Individual member
The annual membership fee is €30 and includes a one-year subscription to LINK magazine, which is published twice a year.
Honorary member
The annual membership fee is 150€. Honorary members comprise organisations, corporations or individuals wishing to support Autism-Europe’s actions. Honorary members shall have one vote each (voting in person or by proxy). This membership includes a one-year subscription to LINK magazine, which is published twice a year.
Individual and Honorary members shall have one vote each (voting in person or by proxy).
Member organisation
As an organisation, it is also possible to become a member (fuIl member, affiliated member, associated member or non-European member). If you would like to become a member organisation, you can find out more about how to do so by clicking here.