Belgian Parents’ Association APEPA asbl
Freddy HANOT, President, +32497760343
Alice SULS, Vice-president, +32475363645
Languages: French, Dutch, German, English and Spanish
Types of support:
- Help with finding support and services in Wallonia, the French Speaking region of Belgium, and also all over the country (Brussels , Flanders -Dutch speaking- and the German speaking community)
National Institute for Autism (NAUTIS)
Languages: Czech, English + volunteers to respond in Ukrainian and Russian)
Types of support:
- social welfare
- psychological support and crisis therapy (EN, RU or with interpreters)
- personal assistance and babysitting
- free time activities for children
- respite care for children, for adults with autism
- links with organizations for other help
- cooperation with schools and kindergartens in ensuring the inclusion of Ukrainian children with Autism in Czech schools and kindergartens
Autism-France (French Family Association)
Languages: French, English
Types of support:
- Help with finding support and services through our 100 member associations in France. Help with administrative procedures relative to autism.
Hungarian Autistic Society (Autisták Országos Szövetsége)
00361 354 1073 info@esoember.hu
Languages: Hungarian
Types of support:
- Professional and advocacy materials with our professional strategic partners, Autizmus Alapítvány and ELTE Autism Research Group. These materials will help authorities and humanitarian organizations, and provide information for families so that they can learn about the assistance we can provide, – are recruiting professional help to support families in crisis
- are working with a coordinator so that we can provide professional help for refugees living with autism and their families who arrive in Hungary right away, and to make it easier to cooperate with professionals and escape the war
- are seeking government assistance with establishing temporary accommodations and looking for donors and humanitarian organizations willing to help.
Adam Harris, ceo@asiam.ie
Languages: English
Types of support:
- We can support the development of visual materials appropriate to the conflict and can provide this material translated into Ukrainian (we have found a community member here who can help us). We also have a commercial license to Boardmaker and so can generate materials using universal symbols. If we get a list of what is needed, we can get to work on this right away
- We have found a Ukrainian speaking psychiatrist who works with autistic people who would be happy to help with some virtual support. Additionally, our leading private children’s clinic is happy to help (we can find translation support). What sort of online sessions do Child with Future need and we can set about organising these
- We have a wide range of materials on navigating autism services in Ireland – we are going to translate some of this basic material into Ukrainian and can provide this when a family is about to travel or when they get here
- We will also make requests of providers of sensory equipment here in Ireland for welcome packs when families arrive.
Lietuvos autizmo asociacija
“Lietaus vaikai” (Lithuania autism assotiation “Rain children”)
Languages: English and Russian
Types of support:
- We can find living space (in Lithuania social campaign is launch “Strong together” where over 5300 people registered their property for suitable space to live for Ucrainian people). Lithuanian government is also preparing more living places.
- We can coordinate find school or day care services for your autistic child.
- We can help to coordinate medical care services in Lithuania
- If needed food, clothes other goods donation cooperating with other NGO.
Fundacja DOM AUTYSTY, Poznan
Contact: Adam Kompowski fundacja@domautysty.org.pl
+48 733 673 674,
Languages: Polish, English, French and Russian
Types of support:
- we can include a person with autism from Ukraine in our daily classes – but it depends on the level of their functioning
- we will provide support – consultation and help in searching for e.g. school or kindergarten
- we plan autism therapy, trauma therapy
Contact: Magdalena Czaplijmail czaplij.magdalena@navicula.pl
+48 42 611 83 45
Language: Polish
Types of support:
- We organized collections of goods: basic necessities: cleaning products, warm clothes, food products, including nourishment for small children, toys for children and medical first aid products,
- We reported to PFRON (State Fund for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled People) Branch of Lodz that we can transport once up to 6 people by our company minibus from the polish border to the Lodz Voivodeship and assistance in the field of:- places of temporary round the clock stay for 3 mothers (guardians) with 3 children in preschool or school age – 6 people altogether, including one person with physical disabilities;
– conducting therapeutic and integration classes within our facility for people who will temporarily live in it, and for up to 5 people who will want to from to benefit from the support on ad hoc basis
KTA Oddział w Szczecinie
Contact: Małgorzata Paciejewska-Sokołowskana ktaszczecin@kta.szczecin.pl
91 488 56 02 or 535 002 917
Language: Polish, Ukrainian – from Monday to Friday from 14.30 to 15.30 on-call duty on the telephone
Types of support:
- We organize financial support – money donation campaign on Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/donate/481240527010530/ - We organize therapy for people with autism: 4-5 places in afternoon classes
Fundacja Wspólnota Nadziei, Krakow
Contact: Piotr Bochonko mdps@farma.org.pl
+48 728-372-214
Language: Polish, English
Types of support:
- We provide therapy for people with autism.
- We plan to provide:
– temporary accommodation, apartment
– trauma therapy
– leisure activities
– respite care
– work and support in job search
Krajowe Towarzystwo Autyzmu Oddział w Białymstoku, Białystok
Contact: Marcin Kruhey mkruhlej@kta.bialystok.pl
Language: We are working together with people who can translate into Ukrainian
Types of support:
- We plan to provide or are already providing:
– translation in speech and in writing
– temporary accommodation, apartment
– therapy of people with autism
– trauma therapy
– education – help in search of a place in an institution
– leisure time activity
– respite/relief care
– work and support in job search
– support in organizing of support, including all formalities
Stowarzyszenie św. Celestyna
Contact: Dolny Śląsk – Mikoszów 27, 57-00 Strzelin
+48 713 958 101 from 8.00 to 15.00 Monday -Friday
Language: Polish and Russian
Types of support:
- We provide:
– financial support
– material support
– groceries, other goods
- We plan to provide:
– therapy of people with autism
– trauma therapy
– peer support for children / adults / parents
– work and support in job search
– use of rehabilitation space in the afternoon, probably the possibility of therapeutic consultations (psychological, speech therapy and therapeutic)
Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Młodzieży i Dzieciom Autystycznym oraz Młodzieży i Dzieciom o Pokrewnych zaburzeniach „Wspólny Świat”
Contact: +48 503 002 199
Language: Polish and Russian
Types of support:
- We provide:
– material help like food, other goods
– translation in speech and writing
– temporary accommodation
– peer support for children / adults / parents
– leisure time activity
- We plan:
– autism therapy
– education
Fundacja Synapsis, Warszawa
Contact: pomocdlaukrainy@synapsis.org.pl
Language: Polish, English, Ukrainian can be arranged (it will be necessary to wait for the support – there is a queue)
Types of support:
- We provide:
– oral and written translation
– emergency psychiatric consultations
– peer support for people with autism and their parents
– information support for individuals and organizations/institutions hosting refugee families with people with the spectrum
– psychological assistance of refugee families with people with the autism spectrum
– assistance in the organization of support
- We plan to provide:
– autism therapy
– work and support in job search
– development of individualized therapy programs to apply in places of stay
– support in dealing with formal matters
- We need:
– Therapeutic aids, educational toys for children or funds to purchase them (for the parent-austistic child therapy – very often they have left everything in Ukraine)
Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Osobom Autystycznym, Gdańsk, Gdynia
Contact: autyzm@spoa.org.pl
+48 58 557 53 41 (8.00-15.00)
Language: Polish, English, Ukrainian – can be arranged
Types of support:
- We plan to provide:
– assistance in searching for places of therapy and education
– assistance- services and special-care services
– support for families
– public collection in the Pomeranian Voivodeship in April 2022 “HELP FOR PEOPLE WITH AUTISM FROM UKRAINE” number “2022/1217/OR”
- We need:
– Therapeutic aids, educational toys for children or funds to purchase them(for the parent-child work of parents with autistic children – they came without anything)
Fundacja Niebieski Szlak, Gdynia
Contact: Urszula Kubicka-Formela, +48 501 177 668
Aldona Woźniarska, +48 694 479 266,mx123@o2.pl
Language: Polish
Types of support:
- we can provide information
- we can also spread information, e.g. through social media
- we are in constant contact with the director of the Special Schools Complex No. 17 in Gdynia
JiM Foundation, Lodz
Contact: ukraina@jim.org
+48 789 288 996 (choose „2”)
Language: Polish, Ukrainian and Russian
Types of support:
- Fundraising money (https://www.facebook.com/donate/313516883978838/) – we are doubling every amount which was donated and sending the money to Ukrainian charities like Children with Future. The first bank transfer was already completed.
- Being an information hub: we are connecting people with each other, from all over Poland. We have a special telephone line so anyone can call us and either offer their help and support (for example saying they have a spare bedroom) or tell us they are searching for someone to help or assist them. We are also in contact with other NGOs and Charities like Polska Akcja Humanitarna (Polish Humanitarian Action).
- Offering legal assistance – there is a lot of confusion when it comes to staying permits, what documents are needed, etc. so our team of lawyers are providing information and interventions when needed. We are preparing guides and other resources on the topic
- We are collecting gifts and basic necessities for Refugees already in Poland. We have a small amount of space where we can keep the needed things and give them to people in need. We are working with other charities and the City Hall for that.
- Psychological and therapists support: of course, we also have people on deck who are supporting children and adults fleeing from Ukraine. They speak Russian, Ukrainian and are offering their services to people who come to us. We also know that people in Poland need help with their mental health – that’s why we are offering lives and webinars with professionals, to help them out as well, the last one was about anxiety and fear – also when it comes to war: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10160168904168846&id=190536713845
- At JiM we have several spaces for children at our Preschool if needed.
- We offer any kind of support we can, even not mentioned above when someone contacts us and asks for help. Whether it’s to find a therapist on the other side of Poland or to offer transport to get someone from Ukraine or the border, etc.
Krajowe Towarzystwo Autyzmu
oddzial Bielsko Biała
Contact: Barbara Gorna Bryzek, kta-otbb@o2.pl
+48 798 843 497
Languages: Polish and English
Types of support:
- we are creating a therapeutic common room for 20 children with special needs, in the first place for children / people with autism spectrum, but we are open to people with other needs.
Movimento Cidadão Diferente (MCD)
Contact: cidadaodiferente.mcd@gmail.com
+351 936 730 970
Language: English
Types of support:
- Welcome families
- Support with day care activities
- Support with legal issues
Autismo Ávila
Contact: informate@autismoavila.org +34616029233
Language: Spanish, English
Types of support:
- Donations (food)
- Temporary accommodation, housing
- Autism therapies, leisure activities
- Peer support for children/adults/parents
- Help with applying for benefits and other paperwork
National Autistic Society
Contact: Carol.Povey@nas.org.uk
Language: English
Types of support:
- Information for Ukrainian families arriving in the UK and for the households who are hosting them
- Picture Exchange Communication System
- For more information, visit their website here