Until August 2018, Autism-Europe will be partner in a new European project, IPA+ (Inclusion of people with autism in Europe: Towards a specialised training model for professionals). This Erasmus + project aims to empower diverse types of professionals at different moments of their professional career, promoting new skills and competences that address real gaps in the current labour market.
This course will be possible thanks to the cooperation of entities from European countries with wide experience and expertise in the field of education in general and in autism specifically. The project results and outputs will be open-access resources. The training to be developed and tested under IPA+ will have a lifelong perspective, will follow an evidence-centred approach, and the contents will be based on scientific advances and outputs.
Autism-Europe joins forces with four other partners for the purpose of this project: Universitat de València (Spain), Asociación de Padres de Personas con Autismo– Autismo Burgos (Spain), FPDA- Federação Portuguesa de Autismo (Portugal) and Savez udruzenja Srbije za pomoc osobama sa autizmom (Serbia).