Earlier this week, on Wednesday 24 April 2024, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) voted in favour of the EU Disability Card and the European Parking Card for persons with disabilities. AE welcomes this crucial step that marks the end of the political process and calls for fast-tracking the implementation of these highly anticipated tools to support freedom of movement across the EU.
The establishment of an EU-wide disability card ensures that persons with disabilities have equal access to preferential conditions, such as reduced or zero entry fees, priority access and access to reserved parking.
A quick transposition of the card is crucial: as its key benefits for autistic people and other people with invisible disabilities are undeniable, we strongly welcome this essential step and look forward to the card’s implementation across the European Union.
As an Autism-Europe member states: “Having a Disability Card recognised everywhere across the EU is a great support to freedom of movement. It makes it so much easier to prove our invisible disability without having to explain.”
Read more about the EU Disability Card here.