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ECCL Webinar 4 – The Next Generation, Co-operation and working together

With input from Steve Eidelman from the USA and Jamie Bolling, ENIL and Sweden: talking about supporting the next generation of leaders and how co-operating across borders is really important.  This webinar will also include more information about the European Coalition for Community Living going forward from Ines Bulic (ENIL and ECCL co-ordinator) and Nic …

Congrès ASSIPS : « La Pédiatrie Sociale et les Troubles du Spectre Autistique, de la maladie au handicap »- Luxembourg

Institut de Formation Sectoriel du Bâtiment (IFSB) 5, z.a.e. Krakelshaff, Bettembourg, Luxembourg

Ce congrès est organisé par l' Association internationale de Pédiatrie Sociale (ASSIPS) en partenariat avec l' Association Internationale de Recherche scientifique en faveur des Personnes Handicapées Mentales (AIRHM), Autisme-Europe, l' Association de Parents pour l'Epanouissement des Personnes avec Autisme(APEPA), la Fondation Autisme Luxembourg (FAL). Les deux journées de congrès  s’adressent aussi bien aux professionnels de l’enfance, qu’aux parents d’enfants autistes.

INSAR local community conference: Autism across Adulthood: The latest scientific findings. Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (KIT) Mauritskade 63, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Every year, prior to thie INSAR (former IMFAR) congress an extra 'community conference' is organized for those who are interested in autism and want to know what the latest scientific insights are, delivered in an accessible way by top international scientists. This year this community conference will take place in the Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam.

Breakfast Event on the SDGs and European Pillar of Social Rights- Brussels

European Parliament Rue Wiertz 60, Bruxelles, Bruxelles-Capitale, Région de;Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Belgium

Eurodiaconia and MEP Jean Lamberts are pleased to invite you to a breakfast discussion in the European Parliament with the title Sustainable Development Goals vs European Pillar of Social Rights? - Making Two Frameworks Work Together.

Towards the adoption of the European Accessibility Act

European Parliament Rue Wiertz 60, Bruxelles, Bruxelles-Capitale, Région de;Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Belgium

This Disability Intergroup event will join the stakeholders involved in the negotiations of the European Accessibility Act.

ECCL Webinar 5 – Getting practical

A webinar focused on practical approaches to getting the right support to people to help them live independently and feel included in their local communities.  With input from Aarne Rajalathi from Finland who will share the work to introduce self-directed support and personal funding, and from In Control Scotland on housing which follows on from …