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Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth- Gothenburg (Sweden)

Eriksbergshallen Maskingatan 11, Göteborg, Sweden

The Social summit for fair jobs and growth will gather heads of State and government, social partners and other key players to work together on a more social Europe and to promote fair jobs and growth.

The European Day of Persons with Disabilities (EDPD) “We are EU citizens” – Brussels, Belgium


As every year, the European Commission celebrates the Day of Persons with Disabilities together with the European Disability Forum. At this event, a wide range of politicians and high-level experts will be present in order to debate the challenges faced by persons with disabilities and, with the audience, explore the best possible solutions. This year's …

4th European Parliament of Persons with Disabilities- Brussels, Belgium

More than 500 people with disabilities from across Europe will gather on the 6th of December in the European Parliament in Brussels to have a dialogue with their Parliamentarians and speak up for their rights. The 4th European Parliament of Persons with Disabilities (EPPD) is co-organised by the European Disability Forum (EDF) and the European Parliament. It is a unique …

Public hearing: Delivery of essential services in conjunction with the European Pillar of Social Rights- Brussels, Belgium

European Economic and Social Commitee- Salle VMA3 Rue Van Maerlant 2, Bruxelles, Belgium

The rights and principles forming the European Pillar of Social Rights fall into three areas, one of which is social protection and inclusion, which is to say everything touching upon living conditions in our society. The 20th and final principle of the European Pillar of Social Rights deals with "access to essential services".