Autism-Europe has participated in an event on equal access to healthcare at the European Parliament on October 15. The event, called ‘It’s our Year, give us a voice!’, focused on active citizenship of people with disabilities through equal access to healthcare, in the context of the European Year of Citizens 2013.
Director of Autism-Europe, Aurélie Baranger, made a presentation on the habilitation and healthcare needs of people with autism in Europe. Ms Baranger highlighted the importance of responding to the specific healthcare needs of people with autism to allow them better participation as citizens. She also highlighted the need to improve communication between healthcare professionals and patients with autism.
The event also included a collaborative workshop between Autism-Europe and several European organisations in the field of equal access to healthcare. The workshop concluded with a list of recommendations for EU decision-makers and other relevant organisations to improve access to healthcare for people with disabilities, including people with autism. The recommendations cover several areas of action, with emphasis on the review of current legislation, provision of accessible information and improved communication between medical professionals and people with disabilities.
The event was organised by the International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus in cooperation with other European disability organisations and the European Year of Citizens Alliance.
Read our publication about access to healthcare for persons with autism