Our understanding of autism will soon get a boost as universities, charities and expert institutions from 14 European countries come together in a major new programme called Autism Spectrum Disorders in Europe (ASDEU), funded by the European Commission.
As one of the key partners in the ASDEU project, Autism-Europe is mapping existing autism-specific legislation and support services in place throughout Europe. This research is being supported by an online survey where autism organisations, persons with autism, their families, carers or any other professionals and stakeholders can provide feedback on the situation in the country/region where they live.
We are therefore calling on you to share your experience and expertise with us by filling in this short survey. It is currently available in 15 EU languages, so simply choose the one that suits you best and share your knowledge:
- Reply to the survey in English by clicking here (en)
- Répondez à l’enquête en français en cliquant ici (fr)
- Beantworten Sie die deutsche Umfrage hier (de)
- Responda a la encuesta en español clicando aquí (es)
- Rispondere al sondaggio in italiano cliccando qui (it)
- Responda ao inquérito em português, e clique aqui (pt)
- Beantwoord de enquête in het Nederlands door hier te klikken (nl)
- Do kwestionariusza w języku polskim, kliknij tutaj (pl)
- Реагирайте на български език. Натисни тук (bg)
- Pentru studiu în limba română, ckicl aici (ro)
- Vastaa kyselyyn suomeksi klikkaamalla tästä (fi)
- Za anketu na hrvatskom, kliknite ovdje (hr)
- Απαντήστε στο ερωτηματολόγιο στα ελληνικά κάνοντας κλικ εδώ (el)
- Töltse ki a kérdőívet magyarul ide kattintva (hu)
- Reagovat v češtině kliknutím zde (cz)