Parents of children and/or young people with autism had the opportunity to participate in one of the first training sessions delivered by the partners of the Equality and Social Inclusion Positive Parenting (ESIPP) project, which aims at fostering a better understanding of autism, and to allow parents to work effectively with schools and other professionals, to improve outcomes for individuals with autism and their families.
The three initial two-day sessions have been delivered to groups of 20 participants per session in Limassol, Cyprus (on March 19), in Skopje (on March 19) and in Zagreb (on April 9) by experienced trainers travelling from Cyprus and the United Kingdom to support local educators. A minimum of 18 courses will be run during the lifetime of the project – 6 courses each in Croatia, Cyprus and the FYR of Macedonia.
Autism-Europe is one of the partners of the ESIPP project, which focuses on offering education and training for parents of children on the autism spectrum. Running from September 2015 to August 2018, the project is funded by the European Union’s Erasmus + Programme.