On the 24 January 2018, the European Disability Forum’s (EDF) Executive Committee met the Bureau of the European Parliament’s Disability Intergroup. The members of EDF’s Executive Committee represent both the EU and national umbrella organisations of persons with disabilities, including Autism-Europe.
Alongside Members of the European Parliament Adam Kosa (EPP), Olga Sehnalova (S&D), Helga Stevens (ECR), Brando Benifei (S&D) and Marian Harkin (ALDE), they discussed common priorities and challenges for 2018.
The 2-hour discussion in the Parliament focused on:
- The role of the European Parliament in the follow-up of the UN’s Concluding Observations on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the report that the European Parliament is preparing;
- A plan to declare 2021 as the next European Year for Disabled Persons;
- The upcoming negotiations between the European Parliament and Council on the European Accessibility Act ;
- The next European Disability Strategy 2020-2030;
- The Sustainable Development Goals;
- The EU Pillar of Social Rights;
- European Structural Funds;
- Passengers’ Rights;
- Campaigns focusing on drawing up local support for such measures.