A new survey developed by the ALERRT project invites autistic people, their families and support persons to share their experiences with accessing services provided by first responders throughout Europe. Available in eight different languages, the survey aims to identify the ways in which first responders interact with autistic people.
Take part in the survey by clicking any of the languages below:
The objective of the project “ALERRT – Autism on the Line!”, of which Autism-Europe is a partner, is to provide training to first responders on interacting with autistic people on how to cater for their specific needs. In this survey, respondents can share their experience on how accessible they find the services of first responders if contacted in a case of an emergency.
Through this online survey, the autism community will help identify areas for improvement and shape the training for first responders so that they are better equipped to interact with autistic people while doing their job.
The survey is open to individuals over 16 years of age (or carers with a family member) with a formal diagnosis of autism, those who are self-diagnosed and/or waiting for an autism diagnostic service. The survey can also be answered by a support person of autistic people on their behalf. It will ask questions about experiences with services received in the past two years and it takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.
At the end of this survey you will be asked to give consent to your anonymized answers used for this project only in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).