In the framework of the Erasmus+ project the Workplace Inclusion and employmeNt opportunities for youth WITH aUtism (WIN-WITH-U), of which Autism-Europe is partner, autistic people, caregivers/families, and employers are called to fill a brief survey in order to produce a Learning Methodology document to improve the inclusion of young autistic people along with a set of learning modules which will be freely available on a e-learning platform.
The project is currently working to break entry barriers to the work world for autistic people, raise awareness about autism and improve autistic people’s employment options. At the end of the project by 2023, a training package will be created and delivered in five languages of the project consortium including English, Bulgarian, Italian, Danish and French.
A multi-sectoral team of five partners has been created for this project. The project coordinator and private university, LUISS Guido Carli University (Italy) will collaborate with the European Center for Quality – ECQ (Bulgaria), The Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome (Italy), and two non-profit organizations including Specialisterne Foundation (Denmark) and Autism-Europe (Belgium).
Survey for people on the autism spectrum (Easy-To-Read format):
English French Spanish Italian German Dutch Bulgarian Danish Icelandic
Survey for caregivers/families:
English French Spanish Italian German Dutch Bulgarian Danish Icelandic
Survey for employers:
English French Spanish Italian German Dutch Bulgarian Danish Icelandic