To mark #AutismDay2023, AE is launching a photo competition to illustrate the perspectives of autistic people and their lived experiences, as well as how society can be more inclusive. The deadline to participate is 27th February 2023 and each participant can submit up to 5 original photos.
This photo competition aims at sharing photographs conveying the perspectives of autistic people and their lived experiences in society as well as illustrating challenges and/or solutions for an autism-friendly and more inclusive society. The photos should be accompanied by a short text explaining each picture in relation to the above-mentioned themes, to help viewers understand the story behind them.
As part of the WAAD 2023, AE will co-organise an event at the European Parliament hosted by MEP Rosa Estarás, which will include a conference and different actions to engage with participants and promote understanding of autism. In this context, the winning photographs will be printed and exhibited at the European Parliament in Brussels (Belgium) from 27 to 31 March 2023, as well as featured on AE’s website, social media, and publications.
We look forward to discovering the entries, and encourage you to read the Terms and Conditions of the photo competition to be aware of the requirements to take part in the competition.