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European Days of Autism 2012

In 2012 the European Days of Autism focused on the subject of autism and ageing.

In the European Union, the percentage of the population who are aged 65 years or over is expected to increase from 17.4 percent in 2010 to 29.5 percent by 2060. With 1 in 150 people currently being diagnosed with autism, that means soon we will see a large number of elderly people with autism. However, there is currently a lack of services for elderly people with autism in most parts of Europe. The European Days of Autism will be addressing questions like: What are the specific needs of elderly people with autism? How can we plan ahead? How can we fund the services required? What best practices in ageing services exist today that can be built upon to create benchmarks for the future? 

Autism-Europe, in conjunction with Sésame-Autisme, held a conference on the issue of autism and ageing in Lyon, France, on October 5, 2012.

Below you can see the presentations given during the conference:


Click here to see the press release