Autism-Europe is launching a survey to identify and share examples of good practices at different levels of education to foster effective learning and inclusion of autistic learners. Practices can refer to learning settings, support methods, adaptations of the curriculum, etc.
People on the autism spectrum are more likely to face discrimination in accessing all levels of education across Europe which has a negative impact on their life outcomes. Art. 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) provides that autistic learners should be supported to access education, notably through: reasonable accommodation, appropriate support, and effective individualised support measures.
Over the past years, education systems across Europe have evolved, to move towards inclusive models. Despite changes in the legislation of many countries, there has been a lack of change in mind-sets reported. Many learners on the autism spectrum struggle with inclusive education, as they experience a lack of understanding of their individual needs and of adapted support. They are faced with a lack of flexibility in their educational curriculum and infrastructure to make the best use of their strengths. Bullying is also experienced by many. Therefore, autistic learners tend to face a higher rate of drop-out and exclusion compared to their non-autistic peers.
The objective of this survey is to identify and share examples of good practices at different levels of education to foster effective learning and inclusion of learners on the autism spectrum. Practices can refer to learning settings, support methods, adaptations of the curriculum, etc.
Please share your good practice through this survey.