The Autism-Friendly Spaces project: The employability twist (AFS Employability) addresses Vocational Education and Training (VET) and employability of autistic people. It will run from 2022 to 2024.
Unemployment affects disproportionally autistic people compared to the rest of the population. The AFS Employability project focuses on the need for an integrated program that is going to involve and train a range of relevant stakeholders (notably autistic people, their supporters and services providers). It will also influence on a transnational basis and at the European level policies supporting the employability of autistic people.
There is a lack of understanding from employers and staff about autism, and therefore a failure to make adjustments in the workplace. AFS Employability will implement actions in the following areas to improve social inclusion:
- Client Engagement: Provide all information to enable autistic people to decide whether or not they wish to use supported employment
- Creation of a Social Hub for autistic individuals actively searching or interested in employment
- Vocational Profiling and Training: Help individuals identify their skills and preferences for work
- Job Finding: Search for a job considering the needs of all parties involved through a specific website
- Employer Engagement and Training on the needs of autistic employees, including conditions of employment and required skills for autistic people
- On/Off Job Support: Provide support for the client and the employer according to their needs for a period of three months after a job placement
- Create a policy report concerning the current situation of Employment of Autistic people at European and National Level
- Raise awareness for the needs of autistic people through seminars
Eventually, the project aims at addressing the issue of unemployment of autistic people by providing continuing support to all relevant target groups, such as employers/ businesses, autistic individuals, and their supporters.
Six partners from five countries come together to develop and implement AFS Employability: Prisms (Malta), Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – CRPD (Malta), Jaunuoliu Dienos Centras – JDC (Lithuania), Kypriaki Etaireia Pistopoiisis – CCC (Cyprus), Autism-Europe (Belgium), Astiki Etaireia Psichokoinonikon Meleton – Ploes (Greece).
More about Erasmus+
Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It has an estimated budget of €26.2 billion. The 2021-2027 programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life.