On the occasion of the European Mobility Week (16-22 September), Autism-Europe co-signed an open letter by the European Disability Forum (EDF) addressing European Union governments to support the proposed reduction of the time for pre-notification of assistance on trains for people with disabilities, including persons on the autism spectrum, when revising the current EU Rail Passengers’ Regulation.
“Booking assistance for a train two days in advance, as is required for people with disabilities in my country, does not constitute equal rights”, stated Monique Post from the Netherlands, member of Autism-Europe’s Council of Administration, and member of EDF’s Women’s committee.
Autism-Europe signed the letter together with over 200 European, national, regional and local (disabled persons’) organisations, members of European and national parliaments, political parties and private citizens from over 10 EU countries, including Germany, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic.
Lack of access, to trains and other modes of transportation for people with disabilities as well as built environment, has been featured in the latest newsletter of EDF. It notably highlights discrimination at airports experienced by autistic people as well as good practices for accessibility when traveling by plane.
Accessibility is one of the guiding principle of the United Nations Convention for the Right for Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and the European Accessibility Act (EAA). Autism-Europe advocates for its proper implementation in the European Union member states.