Started in 2013, this two-year project aimed to improve the social inclusion of people with special needs in the arts and cultural sector and promote opportunities for them in the labour market.
The project was underpinned by the belief that art and culture are for everyone and that this particular sector has great potential as a framework for Vocational Education and Training (VET).
The project also aimed at building an interdisciplinary resource on how to use the arts and cultural sector in vocational education and training for special needs groups. This was done by exploring different practices and methodologies to be found throughout Europe and by transferring innovations from earlier Lifelong Learning projects.
The Count Me In project produced a publication featuring the good practices at Gaia Museum Outsider Art in Denmark and the art workshops at Debajo del Sombrero in Madrid, Spain. This publication also includes tips and guidelines for VET professionals based upon the experience of all project partners along with a variety of good practice examples of vocational training for people with disabilities in cultural organisations. These include museums, galleries, theatre, dance, media, landscaping, music festivals and public spaces.
Autism-Europe was a partner in this project, among other European organisations.
Visit the project website
About the Lifelong Learning Programme
The Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) was designed to enable people, at any stage of their life, to take part in stimulating learning experiences, as well as developing education and training across Europe. With a budget of nearly €7 billion, the programme ran from 2007 to 2013, and funded a range of exchanges, study visits, and networking activities. The activities of LLP have continued under the Erasmus+ programme 2014-2020.