Please click on this link to download adverts in the 24 official EU languages, along with 8 social media visuals (of different formats), to promote a selection procedure for administrators with an expertise in the fields of health and food safety. Recruited experts will mainly work at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), either in Brussels and Luxembourg (profiles 1 and 2) or in Grange, Ireland (profile 3).
The selection procedure was published on 20 May 2021, with a deadline for applications on 22 June 2021, 12:00 (Brussels time).
Should you have specific questions concerning the application procedure, please contact our Candidate Contact Service via a dedicated form available on the EU Careers website.
You can find more information about EPSO’s equal opportunities and diversity policy on our Equal Opportunities page. The “step by step guide” explains how to request special adjustments in EPSO selection tests.
For any additional information or special requirements, please send an email to