Exploring Neurodivergent Experiences in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
The purpose of this study is to explore the unique employment experiences of neurodivergent people within the hospitality and tourism industry. By examining workplace dynamics, challenges, and opportunities, the research aims to enhance understanding and support for neurodivergent employees in these sectors. The study is anonymous.
Approximate survey response time: 15 minutes
Relationships between autistic communication and camouflage
The purpose of this study is to understand better how autistic people hide their identity (camouflage) when they speak to non-autistic people. This study could help improve the experiences of autistic students in educational settings or workplaces, where most of the masking occurs. The study is anonymous.
Approximate survey response time: 15 minutes
Survey about the ESCAP practical guide to autism
The European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP) published the « ESCAP Practical Guide to Autism: Summary of Evidence-based Recommendations for Diagnosis and Treatment » in 2020. The publication summarizes current information on autism and focuses on ways to detect, diagnose and treat it.
This survey designed at the request of one of our member organisation seeks to assess the use that is currently made of the ESCAP practical guide to autism.
All answers will be treated anonymously. Thanks a lot for your cooperation!
The dissemination of this survey does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and Autism-Europe cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.