Currently available competence frameworks for childminders do not include specific modules dedicated to learning for children with special needs, these aspects are only superficially addressed in general training modules. Some brief ad hoc lifelong learning modules are available for some of the most common disabilities. These are largely inadequate to address the need of skilled caretakers of families who have children on the autism spectrum. In this context, the ChildIN project aims at addressing this gap and providing specific blended training for childminders focusing on autism.
The European childminders training to support inclusion of children with autism spectrum disorder (ChildIN) project focuses developing a training for European childminders to foster inclusion of children on the autism spectrum. Running from November 2018 to April 2021, the project is funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme.
The lack of specific learning on autism for professionals was addressed by the ChildIN pilot training, and childminders who benefited from it reported high satisfaction rates in Poland, Portugal and France.
Key recommendations
- Ensure appropriate training, continuing professional development and support for childminders
- Support the acquisition of competences related to the care of children on the autism spectrum for effective inclusion
- Harmonise and recognise childminding across Europe and strive for a common curriculum