World Autism Awareness Day 2023
In 2023, Autism-Europe conducted a Europe-wide awareness raising campaign with its members dedicated to “Building an inclusive society for autistic people”.
World Autism Awareness Day 2022
In 2022, Autism-Europe conducted a Europe-wide awareness raising campaign with its members dedicated to “A happy journey through life”.
World Autism Awareness Day 2020-2021
In 2020 and 2021, Autism-Europe conducted a Europe-wide awareness raising campaign with its members on the theme “I can LEARN. I can WORK”.
World Autism Awareness Day 2019
In 2019, Autism-Europe conducted a Europe-wide awareness raising campaign with its members on the theme “A New Dynamic for Autism. I ∞ autism”.
World Autism Awareness Day 2017- 2018
Between 2017 and 2018, Autism-Europe conducted a Europe-wide awareness raising campaign with our members on the theme ‘Break barriers together for autism’.
World Autism Awareness Day 2016
In 2016, Autism-Europe conducted a Europe-wide awareness raising campaign with our members on the theme ‘Respect, Acceptance, Inclusion’.
World Autism Awareness Day 2015
In 2015, Autism-Europe conducted a Europe-wide awareness raising campaign with our members on the theme ‘Autism. Stop discrimination.’
World Autism Awareness Day 2014
Autism-Europe conducted a Europe-wide awareness raising campaign with our members on the theme ‘Autism and work. Together we can.’
World Autism Awareness Day 2013
Autism-Europe conducted a Europe-wide awareness raising campaign with our members on the theme ‘Autism. More common than you think’.
World Autism Awareness Day 2012
On April 2, across Europe and around the world people raised awareness of autism. Well-known buildings were lit up in blue, bells rang in stock exchanges and many other events took place. Open the .pdf file to find out what happened across Europe and worldwide and get ready for WAAD 2013.
World Autism Awareness Day 2010
Autism-Europe thanks to the cooperation of with Autism Speaks and NYSE Euronext highlighted the third annual World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD), a day prior to WAAD, and Autism Awareness Month with the first-ever global bell ringing across NYSE Euronext markets in Europe and the United States.